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Health insurance Quote

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Health insurance

When health insurance is brought up, most people only think of their major medical health plan they have at work such as: ACA (Obama Care) or an individual policy they may have. However, few people realize that health insurance also includes:
•Major Medical Group Plans (Accessed through a job)
•ACA Plans (Obama Care)
•Individual Health
•Short Term Medical Plans
•Disability Income Insurance
•Critical Illness
•Hospital Indemnity
•Medicare Supplements Insurance
•Medicare Advantage Plans
•Medicare Part-D Drug Plans

Major Medical Health Plans

Major Medical Health Plans are coverage accessed at work or purchased from the Health Insurance Marketplace individually or directly from an insurance company. All health plans can only be accessed during open enrollment periods. This varies from job to job. The ACA the open enrollment period is November 1st- December 15th every year with coverage being effective on January 1st. There are certain special reasons that a person can sign up for health during non-open enrollment timeframes. These are called SEP's (Special Election Periods). SEP's are things such as Marriage, Child Birth, Moving from One County to Another (ACA Plans), Adoption, etc. All of these would constitute an (SEP) allowing you to purchase Health Insurance on and off the exchange. Since the ACA inception, many have benefited from reduced premiums. ACA subsidies are based on the Insureds Income, Age, & Household Size.

Short Term Medical

Short Term Medical are non-ACA compliant health plans. They are ideal for people who missed open enrollment, are in between coverage on a job, students away at college, or for people who maybe looking for a lower health insurance premium. Short term medical can be purchased on a month by month basis and is designed for temporary use.

Disability Income Insurance

Disability Income Insurance is probably one of the most important forms of insurance. Think of Disability Insurance as insurance for your paycheck. Disability Income Insurance keeps a stream of income coming in in the event the insured loses the ability to work. Disability Income Insurance payments helps the insured maintain lifestyle while the insured recovers from an accident or sickness. Disability Income Insurance comes in two main forms: Short- and Long-Term Disability. Both can be blended into one policy. Short Term usually has a shorter benefit paying period, but payments start sooner. The opposite is true with Long Term Disability benefits. The payments start after a longer wait period but can continue all the way to age 65 for most carriers.

Dental Insurance

Dental Insurance helps with the cost of dental procedures and preventative care. The 3 main types are Indemnity, HMO & PPO. Indemnity plans pay a set amount for covered treatments or services. Indemnity plans allow you to go to any dentist and plans usually have a maximum yearly amount the plan will pay. HMO & PPO both utilize contracted network dentists. With the HMO all covered procedures have to be done by network dentists for the plan to cover its share. PPO plans allow network and non-network dentist to perform procedures. Both plans may have annual maximums, however most HMO plans have no annual maximums.

Vision Insurance

Vision Insurance helps pay costs associated with eye care expenses such as: exams, tests, glasses and procedures.

Accident Insurance

Accident Insurance covers some of the most common injuries from accidents. Accident plans are a great supplement to a major medical plan helping to cover out of pocket expenses such as copay, coinsurance, & deductibles. These plans can be purchased as a stand-alone product.

Cancer Insurance

Cancer Insurance becomes more important every day. According to statistics: 1 out of every 2 men will contract cancer and 1 in 3 women during their lifetime. That's an alarming statistic. With the advances in medicine most cancer can be effectively treated if caught early enough. Unfortunately, most of the treatments associated with cancer are not covered by major medical plans. Cancer Policies help fill in the gaps left by major medical plans. These policies can also be purchased as a stand-alone policy. Some Cancer Policies pay a lump sum amount upon diagnosis of Covered Cancers while others pay for covered ongoing treatments for Cancer. Some policies combine both benefit features.

Critical Illness

Critical Illness policies pay a specified lump sum upon diagnosis of specific illness covered by the policy. Some of the most common covered illnesses are: Cancer, Coma, Coronary Artery bypass surgery, Heart Attack, Kidney Failure, Major Organ Transplant, Stroke etc. These policies are designed to supplement a major medical plan but can also be purchased as a stand-alone policy.

Hospital Indemnity

Hospital Indemnity Insurance helps pay cost associated with hospital stays. These plans pay either a lump sum benefit upon admission in the hospital or they pay a specified amount per day for each day the insured is confined to the hospital. Some policies combine both lump sum payments and a per day amount for hospital confinement. Riders may also be added such as: an ambulance benefit, skilled nursing admissions, and intensive care treatment.


Medicaid is a state ran form of health insurance usually afforded to residents with limited-income. Medicaid is the largest source of health coverage providing coverage for over 74 million people across the U.S. providing free health insurance.


Most people age 65+ get Medicare the month which they turn 65. Some people are able to get at an earlier age due to being disabled. Medicare covers a share of medical cost but not all. Things like prescription drugs, dental, & vision are not covered. This leaves Medicare beneficiaries with some choices to make in order to deal with cost that original Medicare (straight Medicare) doesn’t cover. Medicare has 4 parts A, B, C, & D.


Medicare is health coverage provided by federal government. Medicare has 4 parts. The part are A, B, C, & D. Parts A & B are original medicare or better known as (straight medicare). Part C & D are offered through private insurance companies not the federal Government. Part C is known as Medicare Advantage. And part D covers the prescription drug portion of a Medicare beneficiaries health care.

Medicare Supplement

Medicare Supplement Insurance works with original Medicare Part A & Part B and depending on the plan pays a portion or all of what Medicare does not pay. This includes deductibles and coinsurances. Medicare supplement are standardized by Medicare.

Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage Plans better known as Medicare Part C help manage the cost of health provided through Medicare. Medicare Advantage can be a very attractive choice when trying to manage the cost left behind by original Medicare. Medicare Advantage offers beneficiaries low to no premium and most plans include Part D drug coverage. Medicare Advantage Plans work similar to major medical plans most people may have had through work. Medicare Advantage Plans come HMO, PPO, Private Fee for service, or Special Needs Plans (SNP).

Part D

Part D can be purchased as a stand-alone our accessed through a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C). Part D drug coverage helps with the cost of prescription drugs for Medicare beneficiaries. Part D Drug Plans work on a tier system. Drugs are placed on tiers based on the type (Brand) (Generic), or by the cost of the drug. Part D usually has anywhere from 4 tiers to 6 tiers. The lower the tiers the lower the cost to the plan member. Part D Drug Coverage has four Phase. The deductible phase is the first, (the deductible for 2018 is $405). Some plans may not have this phase. The second is Initial Coverage phase. During this phase, the member pays their cost share defined by the plan they have. The third phase is the Coverage Gap phase. Phase 3 is entered once the member total drugs cost reach $3,750 within a calendar year. The member will pay 35% of the cost for brand name drugs, and 44% of the cost for generics for 2018. The fourth phase is the Catastrophic phase. During this phase the member has reached 5,000 totals out of pocket (TOOP) for the calendar year and will pay $8.35 for brand name or $3.35 for generic drugs, or 5% of your medication’s cost, whichever is greater-for the remainder of the calendar year. Most people taking a few maintenance drugs, or no drugs usually stay in the first two phases. Others who may take a lot of drugs or very expensive drugs get to Phase 3 and even phase 4. Some people qualify for low income subsidy (LIS) also known as Extra Help which keeps them from experiencing the coverage gap and catastrophic phase. LIS recipients are excluded from coverage gap cost. This program is administered by social security and is income based to qualify.


What our Clients say?

Clarence prides himself on being honest and trustworthy with his clients. He provides a wide range of information on plan comparisons and breakdowns. Educating clients is important to Clarence because he feels an educated decision is the best decision.

Just want to take the time to say thank you for helping my dad get the help he needed with his current plan. It really worked out for him. I just want to say thank you for all your help.

Marva K.

CK Insurance Solutions Knows Insurance. Every year meet to review my Medicare coverage their goal is to help me find the best Insurance at the best rate. CK Insurance solutions exceeds that goal every time.

Emily S.

I was looking for some Health Care Insurance by myself and then I remembered that I didn’t have to do this alone let me call CK Insurance they can help me. And when I say he really did help me and it didn’t take him days or weeks either. It worked out for me very well. So a big thanks to CK Insurance Solutions for all you do.

Ann W.

Company informations

CK Insurance Solutions
Clarence M. Kemp

1010 E. Adams St. Ste 129
Jacksonville, Fl 32202

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(904) 537-4535

Available 8:00am - 4:00pm

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Hello, As we all continue to monitor how COVID-19 is affecting the community, we wanted to say we're here to help where we can. During this uncertain time, please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions you have about your coverage or anything else we might be able to assist with. Nothing is more important than your health and safety. To stay up to speed on COVID-19, visit the CDC's website. Stay well, Read More